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The difference between quartz tube and ordinary glass tube

Author:Yancheng Mingyang Quartz Products Co., Ltd Click:295  Release date:2023-04-10
Information Summary:
The difference between quartz tubes and glass tubes is that the material of quartz tubes is mainly silicon dioxide, with higher hardness and transparency than glass tubes; Moreover, quartz tubes have high temperature resistance, wear resistance, and stronger oxygen resistance. The composition of glass tubes is sodium silicate, silicon dioxide, and calcium silicate, with sodium silicate as the main component.

The difference between quartz tubes and glass tubes is that the material of quartz tubes is mainly silicon dioxide, with higher hardness and transparency than glass tubes; Moreover, quartz tubes have high temperature resistance, wear resistance, and stronger oxygen resistance. The composition of glass tubes is sodium silicate, silicon dioxide, and calcium silicate, with sodium silicate as the main component. Its hardness, transparency, high temperature resistance, and wear resistance are much worse. Quartz glass tube is a special industrial technology glass made of silica, which is an excellent basic material. Quartz glass has a series of excellent physical and chemical properties. Used in electric fire buckets, electric grills, and electric heaters to generate heat.

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